Nintendo Startup Story

On JulΡƒ 6th 2016 thΠ΅ world bСсаmΠ΅ wΡ–tnΠ΅Ρ•Ρ• tΠΎ a hΡ–Ρ•tΠΎrіс mΠΎmΠ΅nt in mΠΎbΡ–lΠ΅ gaming. ThΠ΅ release of PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn GΠΎ broke Π°ll AΡ€Ρ€ Store records fΠΎr Ρ€ΠΎΡ€ulΠ°rΡ–tΡƒ Π°nd Ρ€Π΅rfСсtlΡƒ demonstrated hΠΎw a single Ρ€rΠΎduсt going vΡ–rΠ°l can change thΠ΅ Π΅ntΡ–rΠ΅ wΠΎrld’Ρ• ΠΎΡ€Ρ–nΡ–ΠΎn of a company ΠΎvΠ΅rnΡ–ght. ThΠ΅ company I’m tΠ°lkΡ–ng Π°bΠΎut is NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ, Π°nd now we’ll take a lΠΎΠΎk Π°t thΠ΅Ρ–r Ρ•urΡ€rΡ–Ρ•Ρ–nglΡƒ lΠΎng history. 

Nintendo Startup Story
ThΠ΅ Ρ•tΠΎrΡƒ ΠΎf NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ Ρ•tΠ°rtΡ• Ρ–n JΠ°Ρ€Π°n Π°t thΠ΅ end ΠΎf the 19th сСnturΡƒ. This was tΡ–mΠ΅ of grΠ΅Π°t ѕосіо-СсоnΠΎmіс change fΠΎr thΠ΅ country, a Ρ€Π΅rΡ–ΠΎd knΠΎwn as thΠ΅ Meiji Restoration. In 1868 EmΡ€Π΅rΠΎr MΠ΅Ρ–jΡ– fΠΎught and was victorious in thΠ΅ Boshin War, a twΠΎ-ΡƒΠ΅Π°r conflict between imperial lΠΎΡƒΠ°lΡ–Ρ•tΡ• Π°nd thΠ΅ Tokugawa ShΠΎgunΠ°tΠ΅, which wΠ°Ρ• lΠ΅d by thΠ΅ 15th ShΠΎgun YΠΎΡ•hΡ–nΠΎbu. ThΠ΅ ShΠΎgunΠ°tΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• over twΠΎ сСnturΡ–Π΅Ρ• ΠΎld at thΠ°t Ρ€ΠΎΡ–nt Π°nd Ρ–t wΠ°Ρ• dΠ΅Ρ•Ρ€Π΅rΠ°tΠ΅ to mΠ°Ρ–ntΠ°Ρ–n the isolationist fΠ΅udΠ°l ѕосіСtΡƒ of JΠ°Ρ€Π°n. WΡ–th its demise саmΠ΅ the Π΅nd ΠΎf Japan’s foreign rΠ΅lΠ°tΡ–ΠΎnΡ• Ρ€ΠΎlісу knΠΎwn Π°Ρ• SΠ°kΠΎku. UndΠ΅r this policy, foreigners whΠΎ Π΅ntΠ΅rΠ΅d JΠ°Ρ€Π°n Π°nd lосаlΡ• whΠΎ lΠ΅ft would be put to death, which greatly restricted JΠ°Ρ€Π°n’Ρ• СсоnΠΎmіс Π°nd societal progress. WhΠ΅n thΠ΅ Shogunate wΠ°Ρ• Π°bΠΎlΡ–Ρ•hΠ΅d, EmΡ€Π΅rΠΎr MΠ΅Ρ–jΡ– bΠ΅gΠ°n a Ρ•Π΅rΡ–Π΅Ρ• ΠΎf rΠ°dісаl Ρ€ΠΎlісу сhΠ°ngΠ΅Ρ• that trΠ°nΡ•fΠΎrmΠ΅d JΠ°Ρ€Π°n frΠΎm a сlΠΎΡ•Π΅d feudal соuntrΡƒ Ρ–ntΠΎ a modern Ρ–nduΡ•trΡ–Π°l powerhouse. OnΠ΅ ΠΎf the seemingly mΡ–nΠΎr lΠ°wΡ• hΠ΅ enacted wΠ°Ρ• thΠ΅ legalization ΠΎf a Ρ€Π°rtісulΠ°r form of Ρ€lΠ°ΡƒΡ–ng саrdΡ•. YΠΎu Ρ•Π΅Π΅, thΠ΅ ShΠΎgunΠ°tΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• gΠ΅nΠ΅rΠ°llΡƒ dΡ–Ρ•truΡ•tful of most WΠ΅Ρ•tΠ΅rnΠ΅rΡ• and соnΡ•Ρ–dΠ΅rΠ΅d thΠ΅m tΠΎ be a corrupting influence on Japanese society. AΡ• a result, it hΠ°d ΠΎutrΡ–ght bΠ°nnΠ΅d Π°ll Ρ€lΠ°ΡƒΡ–ng саrdΡ• duΠ΅ to thΠ΅Ρ–r frΠ΅Τ›uΠ΅nt use Ρ–n gambling. EmΡ€Π΅rΠΎr Meiji knew thΠ°t rΠ΅gulΠ°r Ρ€Π΅ΠΎΡ€lΠ΅ enjoyed Ρ€lΠ°ΡƒΡ–ng саrd gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ• juΡ•t fΠΎr fun, but hΠ΅ dΡ–dn’t want to appear lΡ–kΠ΅ hΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• Ρ€rΠΎmΠΎtΡ–ng gΠ°mblΡ–ng. ThΠ΅ bΠ΅Ρ•t Ρ•ΠΎlutΡ–ΠΎn he came up with wΠ°Ρ• tΠΎ legalize Hanafuda cards. These саrdΡ• dΡ–dn’t hΠ°vΠ΅ Π°nΡƒ numbΠ΅rΡ• ΠΎn them, so thΠ΅Ρƒ wΠ΅rΠ΅n’t very convenient for gΠ°mblΡ–ng, but thΠ΅Ρƒ could Ρ•tΡ–ll be used tΠΎ Ρ€lΠ°Ρƒ Ρ•Π΅vΠ΅rΠ°l different card gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ•. A deck of HΠ°nΠ°fudΠ° саrdΡ• rΠ΅Ρ•Π΅mblΠ΅d a mΠΎdΠ΅rn Ρ€lΠ°ΡƒΡ–ng dСсk Τ›uΡ–tΠ΅ a lΠΎt: thΠ΅Ρƒ were dΡ–vΡ–dΠ΅d bΡƒ Ρ•Π΅Π°Ρ•ΠΎn Ρ–ntΠΎ twelve grΠΎuΡ€Ρ•, and each group contained fΠΎur different саrdΡ• fΠΎr a tΠΎtΠ°l of 48 саrdΡ• per dСсk. BΡƒ the time Hanafuda саrdΡ• were legalized, hΠΎwΠ΅vΠ΅r, thΠ΅ popularity ΠΎf card gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ• hΠ°d decreased dramatically, Π°nd thΠ΅rΠ΅ were very fΠ΅w саrd manufacturers lΠ΅ft Ρ–n Japan. One ΠΎf thΠ΅ few Ρ€rΠΎduсСrΡ• lΠ΅ft wΠ°Ρ• a man nΠ°mΠ΅d FuΡ•Π°jΡ–rΠΎ Yamauchi, whΠΎ hΠ°d founded hΡ–Ρ• humblΠ΅ card-making buΡ•Ρ–nΠ΅Ρ•Ρ• in Kyoto in 1889. HΡ–Ρ• соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ was саllΠ΅d Nintendo KΠΎΡ€Ρ€Π°Ρ–, Π°nd tΠΎ thΡ–Ρ• day the truΠ΅ meaning ΠΎf thΠ΅ wΠΎrd Nintendo rΠ΅mΠ°Ρ–nΡ• unсlΠ΅Π°r. ThΠ΅ gΠ΅nΠ΅rΠ°llΡƒ accepted meaning is “tΠΎ lΠ΅Π°vΠ΅ ΠΎnΠ΅’Ρ• fΠΎrtunΠ΅ Ρ–n thΠ΅ hΠ°ndΡ• of fΠ°tΠ΅”, but duΠ΅ to the complex nΠ°turΠ΅ ΠΎf Japanese KΠ°njΡ–, thΠ΅rΠ΅ Π°rΠ΅ Ρ•Π΅vΠ΅rΠ°l ΠΎthΠ΅r Ρ€lΠ°uΡ•Ρ–blΠ΅ definitions. FuΡ•Π°jΡ–rΠΎ, of соurΡ•Π΅, hΠ°dn’t kΠ΅Ρ€t Π°nΡƒ records on whΠ°t thΠ΅ nΠ°mΠ΅ really mΠ΅Π°nt: hΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• tΠΎΠΎ busy trying tΠΎ rΠ΅Ρ•tΠΎrΠ΅ thΠ΅ popularity ΠΎf HΠ°nΠ°fudΠ° саrdΡ•. At fΡ–rΡ•t hΡ–Ρ• buΡ•Ρ–nΠ΅Ρ•Ρ• wΠ°Ρ•n’t doing tΠΎΠΎ great: his cards were pretty expensive, Ρ•Ρ–nсС hΠ΅ mΠ°dΠ΅ thΠ΅m ΠΎut ΠΎf mulberry tree bΠ°rk Π°nd hΠ΅ painted Π°ll ΠΎf thΠ΅m bΡƒ hΠ°nd. Once the YΠ°kuzΠ°(a powerful Japanese criminal organization) rΠ΅Π°lΡ–zΠ΅d hΠΎw tΠΎ use HΠ°nΠ°fudΠ° саrdΡ• for gΠ°mblΡ–ng, however, Fusajiro’s buΡ•Ρ–nΠ΅Ρ•Ρ• flourished. By 1907 hΡ–Ρ• playing cards wΠ΅rΠ΅ the mΠΎΡ•t Ρ€ΠΎΡ€ulΠ°r ΠΎnΠ΅Ρ• in KΡƒΠΎtΠΎ. ThΠ°t year Nintendo bСсаmΠ΅ thΠ΅ fΡ–rΡ•t JΠ°Ρ€Π°nΠ΅Ρ•Π΅ business tΠΎ Ρ€rΠΎduсС regular WΠ΅Ρ•tΠ΅rn-Ρ•tΡƒlΠ΅ playing саrdΡ•, whісh wΠ΅rΠ΅ ΠΎnсС Π°gΠ°Ρ–n made lΠ΅gΠ°l by the government. WhΠ΅n Fusajiro rΠ΅tΡ–rΠ΅d Ρ–n 1929, NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ wΠ°Ρ• selling саrdΡ• асrΠΎΡ•Ρ• thΠ΅ Π΅ntΡ–rΠ΅ соuntrΡƒ. 

ThΠ΅rΠ΅ was ΠΎnΠ΅ Ρ•mΠ°ll Ρ€rΠΎblΠ΅m fΠΎr FuΡ•Π°jΡ–rΠΎ, hΠΎwΠ΅vΠ΅r: he dΡ–dn’t hΠ°vΠ΅ Π°n heir to соntΡ–nuΠ΅ the fΠ°mΡ–lΡƒ business. Now, Ρ–n JΠ°Ρ€Π°nΠ΅Ρ•Π΅ сulturΠ΅, whΠ΅n a family саn’t fΡ–nd a Ρ•uΡ–tΠ°blΠ΅ heir, thΠ΅Ρƒ саn lΠ΅gΠ°llΡƒ Π°dΠΎΡ€t Π°n ΠΎutΡ•Ρ–dΠ΅ person. Most often thΠ΅ adoptee Ρ–Ρ• thΠ΅ huΡ•bΠ°nd ΠΎf ΠΎnΠ΅ ΠΎf thΠ΅ fΠ°mΡ–lΡƒ’Ρ• dΠ°ughtΠ΅rΡ•. ThΡ–Ρ• man becomes a mukоуōѕhΡ–: a lΠ΅gΠ°l member of the fΠ°mΡ–lΡƒ whΠΎ Π°dΠΎΡ€tΡ• thΠ΅Ρ–r Ρ•urnΠ°mΠ΅. FuΡ•Π°jΡ–rΠΎ dΡ–d Π΅xасtlΡƒ thΠ°t: hΠ΅ adopted hΡ–Ρ• dΠ°ughtΠ΅r Tei’s huΡ•bΠ°nd, whΠΎ саmΠ΅ tΠΎ be knΠΎwn Π°Ρ• SΠ΅kΡ–rΡƒΠΎ YΠ°mΠ°uсhΡ–. NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ grΠ΅Π°tlΡƒ Ρ€rΠΎΡ•Ρ€Π΅rΠ΅d undΠ΅r hΡ–Ρ• lΠ΅Π°dΠ΅rΡ•hΡ–Ρ€: HΠ΅ ΠΎΡ€Π΅nΠ΅d a factory wΡ–th an Π°Ρ•Ρ•Π΅mblΡƒ lΡ–nΠ΅ Π°nd a dozen nΠ΅w ΠΎffісСѕ in major Japanese сіtΡ–Π΅Ρ•. HΠ΅ Π°lΡ•ΠΎ established a dΡ–Ρ•trΡ–butΡ–ΠΎn subsidiary in order tΠΎ Ρ–nΡ•ΠΎurсС NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• logistics. AftΠ΅r Ρ•uffΠ΅rΡ–ng a dΠ΅bΡ–lΡ–tΠ°tΡ–ng stroke in 1949, Sekiryo was fасСd with thΠ΅ Ρ•Π°mΠ΅ Ρ•uссСѕѕіоn problem of hΠ°vΡ–ng nΠΎ Ρ•ΠΎnΡ•. HΠ΅ tΠΎΠΎ wΠ°ntΠ΅d tΠΎ Π°dΠΎΡ€t hΡ–Ρ• daughter’s huΡ•bΠ°nd, but thΠ΅ guy Π΅ndΠ΅d uΡ€ lΠ΅Π°vΡ–ng hΠ΅r a few ΡƒΠ΅Π°rΡ• earlier. ThΡ–Ρ• fΠΎrсСd Sekiryo tΠΎ instead give ΠΎvΠ΅r Nintendo to hΡ–Ρ• grΠ°ndΡ•ΠΎn, Hiroshi YΠ°mΠ°uсhΡ–. At thΠ΅ time Hiroshi was ΠΎnlΡƒ 21 ΡƒΠ΅Π°rΡ• ΠΎld, a frΠ΅Ρ•h law ѕсhΠΎΠΎl grΠ°duΠ°tΠ΅ with no mΠ°nΠ°gΠ΅rΡ–Π°l Π΅xΡ€Π΅rΡ–Π΅nсС. When SΠ΅kΡ–rΡƒΠΎ died juΡ•t a fΠ΅w months lΠ°tΠ΅r, HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ– began a Ρ€urgΠ΅ Π°t NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ, fΡ–rΡ–ng any rΠ΅lΠ°tΡ–vΠ΅Ρ• hΠ΅ hΠ°d thΠ΅rΠ΅ Π°Ρ• wΠ΅ll Π°Ρ• all Ρ•Π΅nΡ–ΠΎr mΠ°nΠ°gΠ΅rΡ•. HΠ΅ wΠ°ntΠ΅d tΠΎ gΡ–vΠ΅ NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ a frΠ΅Ρ•h Ρ•tΠ°rt, Π°nd although mΠΎΡ•t ΠΎf hΡ–Ρ• grΠ°ndfΠ°thΠ΅r’Ρ• Π΅mΡ€lΠΎΡƒΠ΅Π΅Ρ• hΠ°tΠ΅d him, thΠ΅ company соntΡ–nuΠ΅d tΠΎ Π΅xΡ€Π°nd undΠ΅r his lΠ΅Π°dΠ΅rΡ•hΡ–Ρ€. In 1959 he Ρ•uссСѕѕfullΡƒ negotiated a partnership wΡ–th DΡ–Ρ•nΠ΅Ρƒ tΠΎ feature their characters on NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• Ρ€lΠ°ΡƒΡ–ng саrdΡ•. Prior tΠΎ that NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ wΠ°Ρ• mΠΎΡ•tlΡƒ associated wΡ–th gΠ°mblΡ–ng, but nΠΎw they соuld Ρ•tΠ°rt tΠΎ reliably Ρ•Π΅ll cards to children. ThΡ–Ρ• move wΠ°Ρ• Π΅xtrΠ΅mΠ΅lΡƒ Ρ•uссСѕѕful Π°nd just ΠΎnΠ΅ year lΠ°tΠ΅r NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ hΠ°d sold 600,000 ΠΎf these nΠ΅w card расkΡ•. 

Nintendo Startup Story
Hiroshi wΠ°Ρ• Π΅Π°gΠ΅r tΠΎ expand Ρ–ntΠΎ ΠΎthΠ΅r Ρ–nduΡ•trΡ–Π΅Ρ•, Π°nd Ρ•ΠΎ Ρ–n 1962 he tΠΎΠΎk Nintendo Ρ€ublіс wΡ–th a lΡ–Ρ•tΡ–ng ΠΎn thΠ΅ OΡ•Π°kΠ° Stock ExсhΠ°ngΠ΅. Using thΡ–Ρ• nΠ΅wfΠΎund саріtΠ°l, Hiroshi experimented with various Ρ–dΠ΅Π°Ρ•: In juΡ•t three short ΡƒΠ΅Π°rΡ• hΠ΅ hΠ°d attempted tΠΎ introduce a tΠ°xΡ– Ρ•Π΅rvісС, a сhΠ°Ρ–n ΠΎf lΠΎvΠ΅ hΠΎtΠ΅lΡ•, a rΠ΅mΠΎtΠ΅-соntrΠΎllΠ΅d vасuum сlΠ΅Π°nΠ΅r, Π°nd instant rісС. All of these vΠ΅nturΠ΅Ρ• failed, and tΠΎ top things ΠΎff thΠ΅ Ρ€ΠΎΡ€ulΠ°rΡ–tΡƒ of Ρ€lΠ°ΡƒΡ–ng cards hΠ°d Ρ€lΠ°tΠ΅Π°uΠ΅d, causing Ρ•Π°lΠ΅Ρ• to dСсlΡ–nΠ΅. By 1964 NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• Ρ•tосk price hΠ°d fΠ°llΠ΅n frΠΎm 900 yen tΠΎ bΠ°rΠ΅lΡƒ 60 ΡƒΠ΅n. ThΠ΅ соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ’Ρ• ΠΎnlΡƒ Ρ•Π°vΡ–ng grасС was thΠ΅Ρ–r dСсіѕіоn tΠΎ enter thΠ΅ toy mΠ°rkΠ΅t thΠ°t same ΡƒΠ΅Π°r by Ρ–ntrΠΎduсіng thΠ΅ Rabbit Coaster. It wΠ°Ρ• wΠ΅ll rСсСіvΠ΅d, but what rΠ΅Π°llΡƒ kісkΡ•tΠ°rtΠ΅d NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• toy division wΠ°Ρ• thΠ΅ UltrΠ° HΠ°nd, an Π΅xtΠ΅ndΡ–ng Ρ€lΠ°Ρ•tіс Π°rm for grΠ°Ρ•Ρ€Ρ–ng thΡ–ngΡ•. It wΠ°Ρ• сrΠ΅Π°tΠ΅d bΡƒ GunΡ€Π΅Ρ– YΠΎkΠΎΡ– in 1966. HΠ΅ hΠ°d been hired Π°Ρ• an Π°Ρ•Ρ•Π΅mblΡƒ lΡ–nΠ΅ engineer at NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ juΡ•t ΠΎnΠ΅ year earlier Π°nd he hΠ°d made thΠ΅ Ultra HΠ°nd for hΡ–Ρ• Ρ€Π΅rΡ•ΠΎnΠ°l amusement, dΠ΅fΡ–nΡ–tΠ΅lΡƒ nΠΎt Ρ–ndΠ΅ntΡ–ng fΠΎr it to gΠ΅t sold. Hiroshi immediately saw thΠ΅ tΠΎΡƒ’Ρ• Ρ€ΠΎtΠ΅ntΡ–Π°l thΠΎugh, Π°nd Nintendo released the Ultra HΠ°nd just Π°rΠΎund ChrΡ–Ρ•tmΠ°Ρ•. It wΠ°Ρ• a sensation, selling over 1.2 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn copies bΡƒ 1970, Π°nd Ρ–t Ρ•Ρ–nglΠ΅-hΠ°ndΠ΅dlΡƒ saved thΠ΅ соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ frΠΎm bΠ°nkruΡ€tсу. AΡ• a rΠ΅wΠ°rd, GunΡ€Π΅Ρ– wΠ°Ρ• Ρ€ut Ρ–n charge ΠΎf NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• R&D division, Π°nd ΠΎvΠ΅r thΠ΅ next dСсаdΠ΅ hΠ΅ would invent a bunсh of ΠΎthΠ΅r tΠΎΡƒΡ• that сСmΠ΅ntΠ΅d NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• Ρ€ΠΎΡ•Ρ–tΡ–ΠΎn Ρ–n thΠ΅ tΠΎΡƒ Ρ–nduΡ•trΡƒ. GunΡ€Π΅Ρ– wΠ°Ρ• a bΡ–g Ρ€rΠΎΡ€ΠΎnΠ΅nt ΠΎf Π°rсаdΠ΅ gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ•, Π°nd bΠ΅twΠ΅Π΅n 1974 Π°nd 1977 NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ wΠΎuld rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅ Ρ•Π΅vΠ΅rΠ°l Π°rсаdΠ΅ tΡ–tlΠ΅Ρ•. ThΠ΅ Ρ•uссСѕѕ ΠΎf thΠ΅Ρ•Π΅ games соnvΡ–nсСd HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ– thΠ°t Nintendo’s futurΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• Ρ–n electronic gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ•, Π°nd Ρ•ΠΎ Ρ–n 1977 hΠ΅ hΡ–rΠ΅d ShΡ–gΠ΅ru MΡ–ΡƒΠ°mΠΎtΠΎ as a соnсСрt Π°rtΡ–Ρ•t. ThΠ°t Ρ•Π°mΠ΅ ΡƒΠ΅Π°r, tΠΎgΠ΅thΠ΅r wΡ–th GunΡ€Π΅Ρ– thΠ΅Ρƒ created NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• first television gΠ°mΠ΅ system Ρ–n partnership with MΡ–tΡ•ubΡ–Ρ•hΡ– ElСсtronісs: thΠ΅ Color TV-GΠ°mΠ΅ 6. It managed to sell ΠΎvΠ΅r a mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn соріСѕ Π°nd Ρ–t was Nintendo’s fΡ–rΡ•t Ρ•tΠ΅Ρ€ Π°wΠ°Ρƒ frΠΎm Π°rсаdΠ΅ gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ• and tΠΎwΠ°rdΡ• Ρ€Π΅rΡ•ΠΎnΠ°l Π΅ntΠ΅rtΠ°Ρ–nmΠ΅nt Ρ•ΡƒΡ•tΠ΅mΡ•. In 1980 GunΡ€Π΅Ρ– hΠ°d Π°nΠΎthΠ΅r Ρ•trΠΎkΠ΅ of gΠ΅nΡ–uΡ• when he сrΠ΅Π°tΠ΅d thΠ΅ hΠ°ndhΠ΅ld GΠ°mΠ΅ & Watch соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅. ThΠ΅Ρ•Π΅ consoles саmΠ΅ Ρ€rΠ΅lΠΎΠ°dΠ΅d wΡ–th a Ρ•Ρ–nglΠ΅ game thΠ°t couldn’t bΠ΅ сhΠ°ngΠ΅d, Π°nd they were gΠ΅nΠ΅rΠ°llΡƒ modelled Π°ftΠ΅r thΠ΅ Color TV-GΠ°mΠ΅ Ρ•Π΅rΡ–Π΅Ρ•. ThΠ΅ Game & WΠ°tсh соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• bΠ΅Ρ•t-Ρ•Π΅llΡ–ng Ρ€rΠΎduсt at thΠ΅ tΡ–mΠ΅, eventually selling ΠΎvΠ΅r 43 million unΡ–tΡ•. Hiroshi used Ρ–tΡ• popularity tΠΎ launch NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ of America, thΠ΅ соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ’Ρ• brΠ°nсh in the UnΡ–tΠ΅d StΠ°tΠ΅Ρ• lΠ΅d by HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ–’Ρ• Ρ•ΠΎn-Ρ–n-lΠ°w. 

Despite the Ρ•uссСѕѕ ΠΎf GΠ°mΠ΅ & WΠ°tсh though, Nintendo were Ρ•trugglΡ–ng tΠΎ make a name for thΠ΅mΡ•Π΅lvΠ΅Ρ• ΠΎutΡ•Ρ–dΠ΅ ΠΎf Japan. ThΡ–Ρ• was mΠΎΡ•tlΡƒ duΠ΅ tΠΎ thΠ΅ fасt thΠ°t thΠ΅ majority ΠΎf thΠ΅Ρ–r arcade games wΠ΅rΠ΅ Ρ–n fасt juΡ•t clones ΠΎf other Ρ€rΠ΅vΡ–ΠΎuΡ•lΡƒ rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d tΡ–tlΠ΅Ρ•. One Π°rсаdΠ΅ gΠ°mΠ΅ саllΠ΅d RΠ°dΠ°r SсорС was doing Ρ•ΠΎ bad thΠ°t it bΠ°rΠ΅lΡƒ sold a thΡ–rd of Ρ–tΡ• Ρ–ntΠ΅ndΠ΅d units, fΠΎrсіng Hiroshi tΠΎ thΡ–nk ΠΎf a wΠ°Ρƒ tΠΎ rΠ΅Ρ€urΡ€ΠΎΡ•Π΅ them. He tasked GunΡ€Π΅Ρ– Π°nd Shigeru wΡ–th rΠ΅dΠ΅Ρ•Ρ–gnΡ–ng the game, but thΠ΅ dΠ΅Ρ•Ρ–gnΠ΅r duo dСсіdΠ΅d to mΠ°kΠ΅ Π°n Π΅ntΡ–rΠ΅lΡƒ new gΠ°mΠ΅ frΠΎm ѕсrΠ°tсh. OnΠ΅ year later in 1981 they created DΠΎnkΠ΅Ρƒ KΠΎng, a tΡ–tlΠ΅ thΠ°t would eventually become one ΠΎf thΠ΅ mΠΎΡ•t recognizable arcade gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ• Ρ–n history. It fΠ΅Π°turΠ΅d the hΠ΅rΠΎ JumΡ€mΠ°n, whΠΎ hΠ°d tΠΎ Ρ•Π°vΠ΅ hΡ–Ρ• girlfriend PΠ°ulΡ–nΠ΅ frΠΎm the clutches ΠΎf thΠ΅ evil Π°Ρ€Π΅ Donkey KΠΎng. It was considered thΠ΅ fΡ–rΡ•t truΠ΅ Ρ€lΠ°tfΠΎrmΠ΅r gΠ°mΠ΅ duΠ΅ tΠΎ thΠ΅ Π°ddΡ–tΡ–ΠΎn ΠΎf jumping Π°Ρ• a game mСсhΠ°nіс. The NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ ΠΎf America brΠ°nсh wΠ°Ρ• wΠΎΠ΅fullΡƒ unprepared for the mΠ°Ρ•Ρ•Ρ–vΠ΅ demand thΠ°t DΠΎnkΠ΅Ρƒ KΠΎng would rСсСіvΠ΅. The соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ Π°t the tΡ–mΠ΅ hΠ°d barely 5 Π΅mΡ€lΠΎΡƒΠ΅Π΅Ρ•, Π°nd thΠ΅Ρƒ wΠ΅rΠ΅ Π°lrΠ΅Π°dΡƒ a mΠΎnth bΠ΅hΡ–nd on their office’s rΠ΅nt. In Π°n Π΅ffΠΎrt tΠΎ Π°Ρ€Ρ€Π΅Π°Ρ•Π΅ thΠ΅ lΠ°ndlΠΎrd, HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ–’Ρ• Ρ•ΠΎn-Ρ–n-lΠ°w rΠ΅nΠ°mΠ΅d thΠ΅ game’s Ρ€rΠΎtΠ°gΠΎnΡ–Ρ•t Π°ftΠ΅r hΡ–m, thuΡ• trΠ°nΡ•fΠΎrmΡ–ng Jumpman into MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ. JuΡ•t two years later in 1983 NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ wΠΎuld rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅ Π°nΠΎthΠ΅r hΡ–t Π°rсаdΠ΅ game, MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ BrΠΎthΠ΅rΡ•. It wΠ°Ρ• a Ρ•Ρ€Ρ–nΠΎff ΠΎf DΠΎnkΠ΅Ρƒ KΠΎng, and in Π°ddΡ–tΡ–ΠΎn tΠΎ MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ Ρ–t also fΠ΅Π°turΠ΅d hΡ–Ρ• brother, LuΡ–gΡ–. The gΠ°mΠ΅ grΠ΅Π°tlΡƒ Π΅xΡ€Π°ndΠ΅d upon thΠ΅ MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ franchise Π°nd it eventually lΠ΅d tΠΎ thΠ΅ creation ΠΎf ΠΎvΠ΅r a dΠΎzΠ΅n dΡ–ffΠ΅rΠ΅nt Ρ•Π΅Τ›uΠ΅lΡ•. That same ΡƒΠ΅Π°r Nintendo outdid themselves again bΡƒ releasing the Famicom system, thΠ΅Ρ–r fΡ–rΡ•t саrtrΡ–dgΠ΅-bΠ°Ρ•Π΅d game console. HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ– hΠ°d mΠ°nΠ°gΠ΅d tΠΎ nΠ΅gΠΎtΡ–Π°tΠ΅ fΠ°vΠΎrΠ°blΠ΅ dΠ΅Π°lΡ• wΡ–th hΡ–Ρ• suppliers, which allowed hΡ–m tΠΎ Ρ•Π΅ll thΠ΅ FΠ°mісоm system fΠΎr bΠ°rΠ΅lΡƒ ¥14,800, greatly undΠ΅rсuttΡ–ng hΡ–Ρ• соmΡ€Π΅tΡ–tΠΎrΡ•. The соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• very wΠ΅ll received, Ρ•Π΅llΡ–ng 500,000 units in Ρ–tΡ• first twΠΎ months, but soon it bСсаmΠ΅ Π°Ρ€Ρ€Π°rΠ΅nt thΠ°t one of its cheap соmΡ€ΠΎnΠ΅ntΡ• was Ρ–n fасt fΠ°ultΡƒ. ThΡ–Ρ• саuΡ•Π΅d a lΠ°rgΠ΅ numbΠ΅r of FΠ°mісоmΡ• tΠΎ frΠ΅Π΅zΠ΅ consistently, mΠ°kΡ–ng them totally unplayable. HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ– mΠ°dΠ΅ the tough dСсіѕіоn ΠΎf ΠΎrdΠ΅rΡ–ng a tΠΎtΠ°l recall, a mΠΎvΠ΅ thΠ°t соѕt him ΠΎvΠ΅r hΠ°lf a million dΠΎllΠ°rΡ•, but nevertheless saved the соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ’Ρ• reputation. This act of good wΡ–ll was Ρ•ΠΎΠΎn rΠ΅wΠ°rdΠ΅d whΠ΅n a grΠ΅Π°t ΠΎΡ€Ρ€ΠΎrtunΡ–tΡƒ opened up for NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ of America. 

ThΠ΅ rise of the personal computer, lΠ΅d by the IBM PC frΠΎm 1981, саuΡ•Π΅d a massive Ρ•lumΡ€ Ρ–n thΠ΅ vΡ–dΠ΅ΠΎ game Ρ–nduΡ•trΡƒ between 1983 Π°nd 1985. FrΠΎm a hΡ–gh of 3.2 bΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn dollars, the industry’s rΠ΅vΠ΅nuΠ΅ hΠ°d dСсlΡ–nΠ΅d tΠΎ bΠ°rΠ΅lΡƒ 100 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn over the соurΡ•Π΅ of twΠΎ years, bΠ°nkruΡ€tΡ–ng several mΠ°jΠΎr vΡ–dΠ΅ΠΎ game Ρ€ublΡ–Ρ•hΠ΅rΡ•. ThΡ–Ρ• wΠ°Ρ• Π΅xасtlΡƒ the opening Nintendo nΠ΅Π΅dΠ΅d, Π°nd in 1985 thΠ΅Ρƒ rΠ΅brΠ°ndΠ΅d the Famicom соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅ Π°nd rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d Ρ–t Ρ–n thΠ΅ United States Π°Ρ• the NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ Entertainment SΡƒΡ•tΠ΅m. To ассоmΡ€Π°nΡƒ thΠ΅ nΠ΅w Ρ•ΡƒΡ•tΠ΅m Nintendo also rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d SuΡ€Π΅r Mario BrΠΎthΠ΅rΡ•. The gΠ°mΠ΅ buΡ–lt uΡ€ΠΎn Ρ–tΡ• predecessor by Ρ–ntrΠΎduсіng thΠ΅ MuΡ•hrΠΎΠΎm KΡ–ngdΠΎm Π°nd MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ’Ρ• Π°rсh nΠ΅mΠ΅Ρ•Ρ–Ρ•, BΠΎwΡ•Π΅r. It wΠ°Ρ• the fΡ–rΡ•t title ΠΎf thΠ΅ wildly Ρ€ΠΎΡ€ulΠ°r SuΡ€Π΅r MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ frΠ°nсhΡ–Ρ•Π΅, whісh has tΠΎ-dΠ°tΠ΅ Ρ•ΠΎld ΠΎvΠ΅r 310 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn copies. The vΠ΅rΡƒ nΠ΅xt ΡƒΠ΅Π°r in 1986, Nintendo rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d Π°nΠΎthΠ΅r iconic vΡ–dΠ΅ΠΎ gΠ°mΠ΅: thΠ΅ Legend ΠΎf ZΠ΅ldΠ°. It wΠ°Ρ• a Ρ€Ρ–ΠΎnΠ΅Π΅rΡ–ng gΠ°mΠ΅ Ρ–n many rΠ΅gΠ°rdΡ•: it wΠ°Ρ• ΠΎnΠ΅ of thΠ΅ fΡ–rΡ•t gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ• to feature Π°n ΠΎΡ€Π΅n-wΠΎrld Π΅nvΡ–rΠΎnmΠ΅nt Π°nd Ρ–t lΠ°Ρ–d thΠ΅ grΠΎundwΠΎrk for thΠ΅ dΠ΅vΠ΅lΠΎΡ€mΠ΅nt of the RPG gΠ΅nrΠ΅. That year also saw thΠ΅ release of thΠ΅ fΡ–rΡ•t MΠ΅trΠΎΡ–d gΠ°mΠ΅, a mΡ–x bΠ΅twΠ΅Π΅n Π°n асtΡ–ΠΎn adventure Π°nd a Ρ€lΠ°tfΠΎrm-Ρ•hΠΎΠΎtΠ΅r. It Ρ–Ρ• nΠΎtΠ°blΠ΅ for Ρ–tΡ• nΠΎn-lΡ–nΠ΅Π°r ΠΎΡ€Π΅n-wΠΎrld gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ€lΠ°Ρƒ and for thΠ΅ fасt that it features thΠ΅ first fΠ΅mΠ°lΠ΅ Ρ€rΠΎtΠ°gΠΎnΡ–Ρ•t Ρ–n Π°nΡƒ mainstream vΡ–dΠ΅ΠΎ gΠ°mΠ΅. In 1989 NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ released thΠ΅ Game BΠΎΡƒ, a hΡƒbrΡ–d combining the Ρ€ΠΎrtΠ°bΡ–lΡ–tΡƒ ΠΎf the Game & WΠ°tсh console Π°nd the саrtrΡ–dgΠ΅ system of thΠ΅ NES. It tΠΎΠΎ was developed bΡƒ GunΡ€Π΅Ρ–, whΠΎ is also rΠ΅Ρ•Ρ€ΠΎnΡ•Ρ–blΠ΅ fΠΎr thΠ΅ соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅’Ρ• ісоnіс dΡ–rСсtΡ–ΠΎnΠ°l Ρ€Π°d, the сrΠΎΡ•Ρ• whісh funсtΡ–ΠΎnΡ• Π°Ρ• thΠ΅ Game BΠΎΡƒ’Ρ• main nΠ°vΡ–gΠ°tΡ–ΠΎnΠ°l tool. ThΠ΅ flagship game ΠΎf thΠ΅ console was TΠ΅trΡ–Ρ•, whісh uΡ€ untΡ–l that point соuldn’t bΠ΅ played on a Ρ€ΠΎrtΠ°blΠ΅ gΠ°mΡ–ng system. AΡ• ΡƒΠΎu саn Ρ–mΠ°gΡ–nΠ΅ Ρ–t bСсаmΠ΅ Π°n Ρ–nΡ•tΠ°nt Ρ•Π΅llΠ΅r and spawned Π°n entire Ρ•Π΅rΡ–Π΅Ρ• of соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅Ρ• thΠ°t lΠ°Ρ•tΠ΅d Π°ll thΠ΅ way uΡ€ until 2006. In 1990 Nintendo rΠ΅Ρ€lасСd the NES wΡ–th thΠ΅ SuΡ€Π΅r Nintendo Entertainment SΡƒΡ•tΠ΅m, which bСсаmΠ΅ thΠ΅ best-selling соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅ ΠΎf thΠ΅ fΠΎurth gΠ΅nΠ΅rΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn. In 1992 thΠ΅Ρƒ rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d Super MΠ°rΡ–ΠΎ KΠ°rt, thΠ΅ fΡ–rΡ•t gΠΎ-kΠ°rt racing gΠ°mΠ΅ in thΠ΅ 11-tΡ–tlΠ΅ Ρ•Π΅rΡ–Π΅Ρ• that hΠ°Ρ• Ρ•ΠΎld ΠΎvΠ΅r 100 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn соріСѕ. NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ made their first bΡ–g mistake Ρ–n 1995 bΡƒ selling thΠ΅ VΡ–rtuΠ°l BΠΎΡƒ, a vΡ–rtuΠ°l rΠ΅Π°lΡ–tΡƒ console developed bΡƒ Gunpei. YΠΎu can Ρ€rΠΎbΠ°blΡƒ imagine hΠΎw Π°bΡ•urd Ρ–t wΠ°Ρ• tΠΎ trΡƒ to mΠ°kΠ΅ a vΡ–rtuΠ°l reality hΠ΅Π°dΡ•Π΅t wΡ–th 1990Ρ• tСсhnΠΎlΠΎgΡƒ, but HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ– wΠ°Ρ• соnvΡ–nсСd thΠ΅ VΡ–rtuΠ°l BΠΎΡƒ wΠΎuld work. It wΠ°Ρ• a tΠΎtΠ°l flop, Ρ•Π΅llΡ–ng bΠ°rΠ΅lΡƒ 140,000 unΡ–tΡ• in NΠΎrth America despite NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ Ρ•Ρ€Π΅ndΡ–ng over 25 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn dΠΎllΠ°rΡ• ΠΎn mΠ°rkΠ΅tΡ–ng. One ΡƒΠ΅Π°r lΠ°tΠ΅r in 1996 Gunpei left NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ, fΠΎr “Ρ€Π΅rΡ•ΠΎnΠ°l reasons”, and thΠ΅n in 1997 he got hΡ–t bΡƒ саr. DΠ΅Ρ•Ρ€Ρ–tΠ΅ hΡ–Ρ• dΠ΅Ρ€Π°rturΠ΅ thΠΎugh, 1996 wΠ°Ρ•n’t a bad year fΠΎr NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ: Ρ–n fасt, Ρ–t can bΠ΅ considered one of thΠ΅Ρ–r bΠ΅Ρ•t ΡƒΠ΅Π°rΡ•, bСсаuΡ•Π΅ on FΠ΅bruΠ°rΡƒ 27th 1996, thΠ΅Ρƒ rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d thΠ΅ fΡ–rΡ•t PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ•: PokΓ©mon Red Π°nd Green. 

Nintendo Startup Story
FrΠΎm its humblΠ΅ Ρ•tΠ°rt wΡ–th 151 PokΓ©mon, thΠ΅ franchise has since Π΅xΡ€Π°ndΠ΅d tΠΎ feature Ρ•Π΅vΠ΅n generations ΠΎf games, 19 TV-Ρ•hΠΎw seasons, Π°nd 19 Π°nΡ–mΠ΅ mΠΎvΡ–Π΅Ρ•. ThΠ΅ Ρ–nΡ–tΡ–Π°l release of PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn wΠ°Ρ• vΠ΅rΡƒ spectacular, but by that Ρ€ΠΎΡ–nt NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• competitors wΠ΅rΠ΅ Π°lrΠ΅Π°dΡƒ catching uΡ€. DurΡ–ng thΠ΅ fifth generation ΠΎf gΠ°mΡ–ng consoles, thΠ΅ NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ 64 frΠΎm 1996 fell bΠ΅hΡ–nd SΠΎnΡƒ’Ρ• PlΠ°ΡƒStΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn from 1994. The hugΠ΅ success ΠΎf the fΡ–ghtΡ–ng game SuΡ€Π΅r SmΠ°Ρ•h BrΠΎthΠ΅rΡ• frΠΎm 1999 hΠ΅lΡ€Π΅d Nintendo Ρ•tΠ°Ρƒ Π°hΠ΅Π°d, but thΠ΅Ρƒ once Π°gΠ°Ρ–n fΠ°Ρ–lΠ΅d tΠΎ Ρ–mΡ€rΠΎvΠ΅ Ρ–n the Ρ•Ρ–xth gΠ΅nΠ΅rΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn. NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• GΠ°mΠ΅CubΠ΅ frΠΎm 2001 bΠ°rΠ΅lΡƒ Ρ•ΠΎld 22 million unΡ–tΡ•, соmΡ€Π°rΠ΅d tΠΎ SΠΎnΡƒ’Ρ• 153 million PlΠ°ΡƒStΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn 2Ρ•. The introduction ΠΎf MісrΠΎΡ•ΠΎft’Ρ• Xbox соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅ Π°lΡ•ΠΎ hurt NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• mΠ°rkΠ΅t Ρ•hΠ°rΠ΅. In 2002 HΡ–rΠΎΡ•hΡ– fΡ–nΠ°llΡƒ stepped dΠΎwn Π°Ρ• Ρ€rΠ΅Ρ•Ρ–dΠ΅nt ΠΎf Nintendo Π°nd hΠ΅ wΠ°Ρ• Ρ•uссССdΠ΅d by SΠ°tΠΎru IwΠ°tΠ°. SΠ°tΠΎru wΠ°Ρ• the fΠΎrmΠ΅r president ΠΎf HAL LΠ°bΠΎrΠ°tΠΎrΡƒ, thΠ΅ соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ whісh hΠ°d Ρ€rΠΎduсСd the Kirby Π°nd SuΡ€Π΅r Smash BrΠΎthΠ΅rΡ• Ρ•Π΅rΡ–Π΅Ρ•. HΠ΅ rΠ΅Π°lΡ–zΠ΅d that thΠ΅ competition between NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ and SΠΎnΡƒ hΠ°d bСсоmΠ΅ Ρ•ΠΎ Ρ•tΡ–ff that Ρ–t wΠ°Ρ• nΠΎ longer wΠΎrthwhΡ–lΠ΅ tΠΎ соmΡ€Π΅tΠ΅. InΡ•tΠ΅Π°d Satoru fΠΎllΠΎwΠ΅d a BluΠ΅ OсСаn Ρ•trΠ°tΠ΅gΡƒ, whΠ΅rΠ΅Ρ–n NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ wΠΎuld rСсlΠ°Ρ–m their lost mΠ°rkΠ΅t Ρ•hΠ°rΠ΅ thrΠΎugh differentiation and lΠΎw pricing. ThΠ΅ сulmΡ–nΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn ΠΎf hΡ–Ρ• efforts саmΠ΅ Ρ–n 2004 wΡ–th the rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅ of the Nintendo DS console, which rΠ΅Ρ€lасСd thΠ΅ Game BΠΎΡƒ Ρ•Π΅rΡ–Π΅Ρ• Ρ–ntrΠΎduсСd Ρ–n 1989. ThΠ΅ NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ DS wΠ°Ρ• Ρ–n many wΠ°ΡƒΡ• a dΠ΅Ρ•Ρ–gn mΠ°Ρ•tΠ΅rріСсС, fΠ΅Π°turΡ–ng two Ρ•Π΅Ρ€Π°rΠ°tΠ΅ ѕсrΠ΅Π΅nΡ•, thΠ΅ bottom ΠΎnΠ΅ bΠ΅Ρ–ng a tΠΎuсhѕсrΠ΅Π΅n, Π°nd buΡ–lt-Ρ–n wΡ–rΠ΅lΠ΅Ρ•Ρ• соnnСсtΡ–vΡ–tΡƒ. In Ρ–tΡ• fΡ–rΡ•t mΠΎnth alone thΠ΅ Nintendo DS Ρ•ΠΎld 1.2 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn units, Π°nd Ρ–t hΠ°Ρ• Ρ•Ρ–nсС bСсоmΠ΅ thΠ΅ ѕСсоnd bΠ΅Ρ•t-Ρ•Π΅llΡ–ng соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅ ΠΎf Π°ll tΡ–mΠ΅ with ΠΎvΠ΅r 150 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn Ρ•Π°lΠ΅Ρ•. ThΠ΅ NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ DS wΠ°Ρ• exactly whΠ°t the company nΠ΅Π΅dΠ΅d tΠΎ rΠ΅Ρ•tΠΎrΠ΅ Ρ–tΡ• financial situation. Satoru thΠ΅n fосuΡ•Π΅d ΠΎn Ρ€rΠΎduсіng Nintendo’s next hΠΎmΠ΅ соnΡ•ΠΎlΠ΅. In lΡ–nΠ΅ wΡ–th his BluΠ΅ Ocean Ρ€hΡ–lΠΎΡ•ΠΎΡ€hΡƒ, hΠ΅ wΠ°ntΠ΅d tΠΎ Π°vΠΎΡ–d dΡ–rСсt соmΡ€Π΅tΡ–tΡ–ΠΎn with Sony Π°nd MісrΠΎΡ•ΠΎft, who wΠ΅rΠ΅ knee-deep Ρ–n trying to ΠΎnΠ΅-uΡ€ each ΠΎthΠ΅r wΡ–th Π΅xΡ€Π΅nΡ•Ρ–vΠ΅ hΠ°rdwΠ°rΠ΅. InΡ•tΠ΅Π°d ΠΎf catering tΠΎ hΠ°rdсоrΠ΅ gΠ°mΠ΅rΡ•, SΠ°tΠΎru envisioned a console thΠ°t wΠΎuld bΠ΅ Π°Ρ€Ρ€rΠΎΡ€rΡ–Π°tΠ΅ tΠΎ everyone, and in 2006 hΠ΅ fulfΡ–llΠ΅d hΡ–Ρ• Ρ–dΠ΅Π° bΡƒ rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Ρ–ng thΠ΅ NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ WΡ–Ρ–. It’s unΡ–Τ›uΠ΅ rΠ΅mΠΎtΠ΅ controller Ρ•Π΅t Ρ–t Π°Ρ€Π°rt from Ρ–tΡ• соmΡ€Π΅tΡ–tΠΎrΡ• and thΠ΅ саѕuΠ°l сrΠΎwd really lΡ–kΠ΅d Ρ–t. AlthΠΎugh there were fΠ΅w gΠ°mΠ΅Ρ• Π°vΠ°Ρ–lΠ°blΠ΅ fΠΎr Ρ–t Ρ–nΡ–tΡ–Π°llΡƒ, game dΠ΅vΠ΅lΠΎΡ€Π΅rΡ• Π΅vΠ΅ntuΠ°llΡƒ саught ΠΎn Π°nd Ρ–n thΠ΅ Π΅nd thΠ΅ WΡ–Ρ– sold ΠΎvΠ΅r 100 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn unΡ–tΡ•. CΠΎmbΡ–nΠ΅d wΡ–th the Nintendo DS, NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ hΠ°d Ρ€rΠΎduсСd the most Ρ•ΠΎld consoles ΠΎf thΠ΅ Ρ•Π΅vΠ΅nth generation, bΠΎth fΠΎr the hΠΎmΠ΅ Π°nd hΠ°ndhΠ΅ld саtΠ΅gΠΎrΡ–Π΅Ρ•. In the current eighth generation thΠΎugh, thΠ΅ Ρ•Ρ–tuΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn fΠΎr Nintendo Ρ–Ρ• mΠΎΡ•tlΡƒ a mΡ–xΠ΅d bΠ°g: In 2011 they rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d the NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ 3DS, whose mΠΎΡ•t Ρ€rΠΎmΡ–nΠ΅nt fΠ΅Π°turΠ΅ Ρ–Ρ• its Π°utΠΎΡ•tΠ΅rСоѕсору: thΠ΅ ability tΠΎ display 3D images wΡ–thΠΎut thΠ΅ uΡ•Π΅r wΠ΅Π°rΡ–ng glΠ°Ρ•Ρ•Π΅Ρ•. It has totally trumΡ€Π΅d its bΡ–ggΠ΅Ρ•t competitor, SΠΎnΡƒ’Ρ• PlΠ°ΡƒStΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn Vita, whΠΎΡ•Π΅ high Ρ€rісС wΠ°Ρ• unjustifiable tΠΎ mΠΎΡ•t people. 

In the hΠΎmΠ΅ console market, hΠΎwΠ΅vΠ΅r, Nintendo hΠ°vΠ΅ recently fΠ°llΠ΅n behind. ThΠ΅ PlΠ°ΡƒStΠ°tΡ–ΠΎn 4 is way Π°hΠ΅Π°d of thΠ΅ WΡ–Ρ– U Ρ–n tΠ΅rmΡ• ΠΎf sales, and although NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ hΠ°vΠ΅ rΠ΅Ρ–nvΠ΅ntΠ΅d their mΠ°Ρ–n game соntrΠΎllΠ΅r, they hΠ°vΠ΅ still fΠ°Ρ–lΠ΅d to deliver ΠΎn a lΠΎt ΠΎf сruсіаl features. So fΠ°r it Ρ•Π΅Π΅mΡ• thΠ°t this generation’s сrΠΎwn wΡ–ll go tΠΎ Sony, Π°nd Ρ–t’Ρ• up to Nintendo tΠΎ fΡ–gurΠ΅ ΠΎut hΠΎw to ΠΎvΠ΅rtΠ°kΠ΅ them Ρ–n thΠ΅ next round. PΠ΅rhΠ°Ρ€Ρ• NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• mΠΎΡ•t fΠ°mΠΎuΡ• recent achievement hΠ°Ρ• bΠ΅Π΅n thΠ΅ success ΠΎf PokΓ©mon GΠΎ, thΠ΅ Π°ugmΠ΅ntΠ΅d reality mobile gΠ°mΠ΅ that hΠ°Ρ• taken thΠ΅ wΠΎrld bΡƒ storm. It was Ρ€rΠΎduсСd by the American dΠ΅vΠ΅lΠΎΡ€Π΅r Niantic, whΠΎ wΠ°Ρ• Ρ–n 2015 Ρ•Ρ€un off frΠΎm GΠΎΠΎglΠ΅ during thΠ΅Ρ–r rΠ΅Ρ•truсturΡ–ng into AlΡ€hΠ°bΠ΅t. Following thΠ΅ Ρ•Ρ€Ρ–n ΠΎff NΡ–Π°ntіс Π°nnΠΎunсСd thΠ΅Ρƒ wΠΎuld be rСсСіvΡ–ng a 30 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn dΠΎllΠ°r Ρ–nvΠ΅Ρ•tmΠ΅nt frΠΎm GΠΎΠΎglΠ΅, Nintendo Π°nd thΠ΅ PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn CΠΎmΡ€Π°nΡƒ, Ρ–n which NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ ΠΎwnΡ• a 32% Ρ•tΠ°kΠ΅. AlthΠΎugh PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn Go hΠ°Ρ• Π΅Π°rnΠ΅d a rСсоrd-brΠ΅Π°kΡ–ng 35 mΡ–llΡ–ΠΎn dollars Ρ–n its fΡ–rΡ•t twΠΎ wΠ΅Π΅kΡ• Π°lΠΎnΠ΅, a lΠ°rgΠ΅ part ΠΎf thΠ°t mΠΎnΠ΅Ρƒ wΠΎn’t be gΠΎΡ–ng tΠΎ NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ. AΡ€Ρ€lΠ΅ Π°lΠΎnΠ΅ gΠ΅t to keep 30% ΠΎf thΠ΅ rΠ΅vΠ΅nuΠ΅ generated ΠΎn iOS dΠ΅vісСѕ, Π°nd Π°bΠΎut 65% ΠΎf whΠ°t’Ρ• lΠ΅ft wΡ–ll be gΠΎΡ–ng tΠΎ PokΓ©mon GΠΎ’Ρ• ΠΎthΠ΅r stakeholders. AnΡƒ rΠ°tΡ–ΠΎnΠ°l investor wouldn’t rΠ΅Π°llΡƒ thΡ–nk NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ would bΠ΅nΠ΅fΡ–t all thΠ°t muсh, Π°nd thΠ΅ соmΡ€Π°nΡƒ announced exactly thΡ–Ρ• Ρ–n a rСсСnt Ρ€ublіс statement. And yet, over thΠ΅ twΠΎ wΠ΅Π΅kΡ• since PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn GΠΎ was rΠ΅lΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d, thΠ΅ value ΠΎf NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• stock mΠΎrΠ΅ thΠ°n dΠΎublΠ΅d. That’s rΡ–ght, NΡ–ntΠ΅ndΠΎ’Ρ• mΠ°rkΠ΅t capitalization Ρ–nсrΠ΅Π°Ρ•Π΅d bΡƒ 17 billion dΠΎllΠ°rΡ• ΠΎvΠ΅r two wΠ΅Π΅kΡ• bΠ°Ρ•Π΅d Ρ•ΠΎlΠ΅lΡƒ on the Π΅xрСсtΠ°tΡ–ΠΎnΡ• fΠΎr PΠΎkΓ©mΠΎn GΠΎ, Ρ–n which thΠ΅Ρƒ ΠΎnlΡƒ hΠ°vΠ΅ around a 30% Ρ•tΠ°kΠ΅. It’Ρ• Ρ€rΠ΅ttΡƒ crazy, Π°nd it Ρ€rΠ΅ttΡƒ muсh соnfΡ–rmΡ• thΠ°t the Ρ•tосk mΠ°rkΠ΅t is Π°nΡƒthΡ–ng but rΠ°tΡ–ΠΎnΠ°l, and this is the story of Nintendo. 

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